Intensive Diabetes Reversal

Initial Consultation (60 minutes)


I want to get to know more about you. During the first 45 minutes, we will go over where you are now, and where you want to go. What are you hopes, fears, and dreams? Why did you sign up? 


It would also help me to know more about your diabetes, e.g. when was it diagnosed, what treatments have you tried? I’d also like to know about your family history, current medications, other medical conditions, surgeries in the past, etc. We will get into the details about your health, and the factors that influence your health.


During the last 15 minutes, I will introduce you to the program in more detail and discuss next steps. 


Evaluation of blood test markers (x2, included in price)


I typically recommend a basic set of blood work before and after our program. I will go through it in detail with you. We will discuss optimal levels are and subtleties beyond “within normal limits” as suggested by the automated reference ranges. 


Weekly follow up (20 minutes x 15 weeks)


We will discuss how the previous week went. What was difficult, and what was easy? What went well? How are you processing any deviations from your expectations? 


Then we will discuss improvements and actionable steps for the upcoming week. Sample of assignments provided below.


Weekly assignments


Changing your life takes time. Your relationship with food will need to change. 

It’s not as simple as avoiding eat less, move more. It’s not as simple as eliminate all carbohydrates and go keto, or remove all fat and go vegan. 


The root cause of what got you here goes much deeper than something that can be fixed with a simple maxim.


That is why I will provide weekly assignments. These will be short actionable items that help reinforce skills, and help lay the foundation for a different mental model that is essential in long term success. 

24/7 access to text and email


We’ve all been in the position where we go to the doctor’s office and forget to ask the hundreds of questions that’s been piling up in our heads. 


Sometimes you are on your way to the grocery store, or reviewing a package, and not sure if it’s okay to eat or not. 


What if your blood sugar goes too high or too low and you’re not sure how to handle it? 


Any medication questions that can’t wait until the next appointment?


I’m here for you. Text or email me anytime, 24/7. I will get back to you within 1 business day (Mon – Fri). Most of the time, I anticipate I will get back to you within a couple hours even on the weekends. But sometimes I may be out of town on the weekend, or busy at my other job so the promise I can make is within 1 business day. 


Remote monitoring of blood sugar


Many, but not all, would benefit from continuous monitoring of blood sugars with a continuous glucose monitor (CGM). This requires a doctor’s prescription, and I can provide it for you. The cost of the CGM is not included in the price of the program.


With your permission, I’d be able to track your glucose fluctuations continuously in real time. I can provide feedback based on your patterns, and more importantly, help decrease or discontinue your diabetes medications when appropriate.


Medication management


A fortunate side effect of nutrition done right is reversal of disease, and this requires lowering the doses, and discontinuation of medications. This can be dangerous without active and frequent monitoring by a trained physician. 


I will help you do it safely. 


Money back guarantee


This is the only medical program that I know of that guarantees success, or your money back. Click here to learn more about the details and the fine print. 



Coming soon:


Improving your blood markers over 16 weeks is just the first step. I want to you help you lay the foundations for life long change. This requires access to a community of like minded individuals. 


I would like to eventually invite all members, past and present, to an exclusive, private facebook group. That way, past members can continue to communicate with me. Most importantly, members can rely on each other for long term accountability, recipes, sharing of ideas, and in-person meet ups.