Metabolic Health Consultation

Initial Consultation, evaluation of blood test markers, and a follow up:

What is the status of your health now?

Within a total of 60 minutes split up in two separate visits, I hope to get you a snapshot of where you are now in your health journey.

Typically, the time will be split between two 30-minute visits: an initial consultation and a follow up consultation with blood tests in between. 

During the initial consultation, we will discuss in detail what your concerns are, and what your goals are. This may include an in-depth review of any bothersome symptoms you may have and a review of your medical history. 

Then I may recommend some blood tests to review for the follow up consultation. 

At the follow up, we will use the results of the blood tests to help quantify where you are in regards to your metabolic health. The remaining time will be spent talking about what can be done next to improve or maintain your health.