
Intensive Diabetes Reversal (16 weeks)

How many times have you heard that diabetes is a chronic and progressive disease that can only be managed with medications? 


In this 16-week program, I will give you the information and skills needed to put your diabetes in remission, or at least improve it. No medications are required — in fact, I will be monitoring closely in case we need to stop some of your medications. 


I’m confident that you’ll benefit from this program, so much so that I will provide a money back guarantee. 

Metabolic Health Consultation

Curious about what your metabolic health is? Not ready to commit to 16-weeks? Or perhaps you need an experienced physician to order and interpret your blood work to see where you’re at. 


The Metabolic health consultation will include a 30 minute consultation, blood testing, and a 30 minute follow up to review your results. 


If you decide to proceed with the 16-week program after this consultation, the cost of this consultation can be put toward the price of the program.

Weight Loss (16 weeks)

Rising rates of obesity is a pandemic that no one is talking about, and it’s only getting worse. The greatest problem I see with this space is that there is conflicting information making it difficult to know where to start. If doctors and experts can’t agree on why people gain weight, how is anyone else supposed to know how to get rid of theirs? 


I don’t claim to having all the answers. But I do have suggestions on where to start. In this 16-week program, I will provide the information and skills needed to get to your health back. 


And similar to the Intensive Diabetes Reversal Program, I stand by my money back guarantee.